So, let's dive into some easy ways on how to save fuel when driving. 

  • What is fuel efficiency?
  • Fuel efficiency habits

What is fuel efficiency?

In the modern age of driving, the term "fuel efficiency" has gone from technical specification to an everyday part of a driver's vocabulary.

But what is fuel efficiency?

Simply put, a car that can go further on fewer litres of fuel is more efficient than one that consumes more for the same distance.

And this efficiency isn't just about saving money on fuel, it also tackles the ever-growing problem of the environmental impact of driving, as well as the safety of road users.

With fluctuating fuel prices and increased awareness about environmental concerns, knowing how to save fuel has become more important than ever before. And that's not all; practising habits that encourage you to save fuel can also lead to notable savings in the bank.

So in essence, knowing how to save fuel and prioritising fuel efficiency is a small step towards a more sustainable, economical, and savvy driving experience for all. 

Driving habits that will save you fuel 

Outside of buying a whole new car with better fuel efficiency credentials, let's see how you can make adjustments to your driving in a way that helps you save fuel. 

1. Driving in the highest possible gear (within the speed limits)

Adhering to the speed limits is a legal obligation - we all know this much. But it's also a great strategy for saving fuel.

When driving in the highest possible gear within your current speed limit, your engine runs at a reduced RPM, which then translates to the car using less fuel. So, as tempting as it might be to shift down and race, keeping at a higher gear at a constant speed is your ticket to a more efficient experience.

If your car is equipped with cruise control, you can use this to maintain this all-importantly constant speed. 

2. Combine journeys to keep a warm engine

Ever noticed that your car seems to guzzle up more fuel during shorter, sporadic trips to the shop?

The answer lies in your engine's temperature, and understanding this can pave the way for impressive fuel savings.

It's a simple concept: a warm engine operates most efficiently.

If you start your car after it's been sitting around for a while, this is called a "cold start", and these are particularly taxing on fuel consumption.

When the engine is cold, it has to work harder, consuming more fuel until it reaches its most efficient temperature. And as the engine warms up, the demand on the accelerator lessens, offering a better fuel economy.

So, it only stands to reason that combining these several shorter trips into one longer journey will allow your engine to remain at a good, warm temperature for longer. This allows it to run more efficiently, allowing you to save fuel.

So next time you consider that short run to the shop, consider waiting and combining a few other errands in at the same time, and keep that engine toasty warm and saving fuel all the while. 

3. Keep an eye on your tyre pressure

No one likes running on a flat tyre, it slows you down to a chug and - frankly - makes you look a fool to passers-by. But under-inflated tyres are also detrimental to your efforts in saving fuel, tanking your efficiency all the while.

This is because the rolling resistance makes the engine work harder to achieve the same speed, leading to worse fuel consumption. By ensuring your tyres are at the correct pressure, you can stretch out that tank of fuel just a bit more.

Regularly checking and adjusting your tyre is a small task with significant implications. Not only can you save fuel, you can make sure you're driving along safely and increase your tyres' longevity. 

4. Maintaining momentum, the art of anticipation

Fuel-efficient driving is a core way to save fuel, and it revolves around understanding and predicting the road ahead to maximise your car's momentum.

When driving, it's not just the current stretch of road that matters. Looking ahead lets drivers adapt to traffic conditions and other road factors, minimising unnecessary stops or acceleration which can increase fuel consumption.

Take the traffic lights for instance. If you spot a red light in the distance, instead of maintaining speed and applying harsh braking at the last moment, ease off the accelerator early to ensure a more gradual decrease in speed. This helps conserve fuel as the engine doesn't have to work as hard to repeatedly regain speed.

For the sake of another example, when approaching a hill, try slightly accelerating to gain some momentum before climbing. Conversely, when going down a hill, ease off the accelerator and rely more on downhill momentum to save fuel.

By anticipating obstacles or changes in traffic flow, you can reduce the need for sudden stops. Harsh braking not only wears down your brakes, but can also spike your fuel consumption to get the car back to its original speed.

Knowing how to save fuel with Sell 2 Swansway

As you can see, achieving good fuel efficiency isn't just about the car you drive, but how you drive it. Your driving style - encompassing everything from anticipation and momentum to awareness of traffic - plays a crucial role in your fuel consumption.

If you're in the market for a new car, why not consider Sell 2 Swansway? Part of the esteemed family of Swansway brands, we’re here to make selling your current car easier and more convenient than ever before.

With accurate quotes that reflect current market trends, you’ll never get less than what you deserve for your car. So, for a quick, easy 7-day guaranteed car valuation, hassle-free collection, and instant payment to your bank account once we’ve got your car, there’s never been a better time to sell your car with Sell 2 Swansway



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