It's that brilliant time of year when we all start anxiously staring at the weather forecast praying for a good outlook, rummaging through bargain buckets and various online shopping outlets for the most brightly coloured garments we can find, there’s a national shortage of glitter and wellies are being panic bought!

That’s right, it’s festival season!

Fields become our homes and your mates start resembling and behaving like it should become their permanent residence. Festival prep can be one of the most stressful things you can do, just behind running a country and getting married. So we have brought together our list of festival essentials both for the drive to & from your happy place and some bits of kit to help you through the traumatic weekend.

However, we know festival essentials blogs are ten-a-penny, so this is our alternative essentials guide. We’ve thought of some awesome bits of kit that will make your stay in your polyurethane palace a blast. Plus you’ll get some seriously green glances from your fellow revellers!

travel mug

Travel mugs

Go on admit it, you’d thought of everything for the drive down except a brew! You may not think it’s important now. But when you’re halfway through a killer journey and the festi playlist you’ve created is wearing thin, you’re going to need a booster.

This Red Original marine grade stainless steel super insulated drinks bottle is perfect for the job! It will keep your hot things hot for up to 12 hours.

But here’s the beauty part, just imagine we’re looking at you winking and tapping the side of our nose for this, once you’re out of the motor and set up, this storming accessory will keep your cold drinks cold for up to 24 hours. Eh, eh!

The insulated drinks bottle is available now for just £25.00. Check it out now!

Bungee cords

There’s no point forking out for one of those fancy trailers that people use to lug their stuff. Instead of spending a small fortune on something you’re going to use once then confine to the shed, just bung it all on an old sledge and bungee cord the bejesus out of the whole deal.

These stunning examples from our friends at Red Original will do the job perfectly.

Bred for use on stand-up paddleboards, these bungee cords are designed to stand out and are perfect for rugged conditions and, of course, the odd splash of the wet stuff.

Follow the link now for all the info about these striking little lifesavers! Plus if purple's not your bag then you can switch it up with one of the other eye-catching colours available now

Bungee Cords
Gorilla Tape


We included tape in the campsite trek piece of this feature, because it’s just extremely useful for keeping things together. Yet people never think to take some with them.

Gorilla tape is extremely sticky, but also extremely rugged. So it will take a good dragging around on grass without relinquishing its grip.

Quick tip: It’s absolutely perfect for strapping heavy boxes together and attaching to some kind of sliding apparatus.

We get our Gorilla Tape from our friends at, check them out now. Or check out their range of tape below, it even comes in camoflage.

Anti-bac wipes

Ahh! The humble wet wipe, best friend of the festival goer. They do it all, wash us, wake us up, make us smell better (which is no mean feat at times) and when you’re covered in mud or dust, they’ll make you feel like a new man or woman.

But these anti-bac wipes from Dirteeze are made in the UK and have been tested by UKAS labs. They kill up to 99.9999% of bacteria within 10 seconds. Which makes them perfect for washing the pots, your pits or toilet seats! Wipe away guys, wipe away!

It’s over to Camperlife again for all your Dirteeze needs!

Dirteeze wipes
Working hands cream


When at a festival it’s essential to not allow yourself to descend into a feral state of being. Your friends may all embrace the wild lifestyle, but it’s important to stay above the animals.

One way of achieving this is by stocking up on awesome skincare products. O’Keeffe’s are the masters! Their Lip Repair, Healthy Feet and Working Hands products are perfect for ensuring your skin stays baby soft.

A bit of skin pampering is absolutely essential after you’ve battled the elements, your mates and the instructions in your bid to erect the tent.

Check out the excellent range of O'Keeffe's products over at now.



Now, we know we said that this round up will consist of lots of kit you either haven’t thought of or never knew you needed. But you probably knew you needed a coat at a festival, or have definitely seen one before.

Which is why we’re not talking any ordinary coat. This awesome bit of kit is the Pro Change Jacket from Red Original. It’s designed for keeping you warm and dry before, during or after outdoor & water sports.

It consists of a 3 layer design with a hardy exterior layer and a super soft fur lining. It also features large pockets at the front and an easy fasten zip, which is perfect even in cold weather.

Some may say that this jacket looks like overkill, but to you we say come and tell us it’s overkill when it’s keeping you warm at night in that freezing tent!

Elite level festival-ing

All of these unknown or underrated products are great, but if you want to enter your name for application into the elite level of festival campers. Then you’re going to need the king of kit!

The Volkswagen California is perfectly bred for ensuring you have the best, safest, comfiest and coolest festival you can.

With the California campervan you can get your cooking, sleeping, storage and ride home arrangements all tied up in one extremely good looking package. That should keep the rain off!

Plus, just quietly, if you head to our website now, you can get one on a cracking deal!

Volkswagen California camper
Festival camping tents

So that’s our round up of some of the awesome accessories that would make your life in the crowds a lot easier!

You don’t have to take our advice, but don’t come crying to us when you can’t have a brew in the car or your drink’s too warm in the day.

Or when it’s taken you 4 hours to lug all your stuff to your campsite then all the best spots are gone, so all you’re left with is that space that’s always down wind of the toilets.

We’ll be the one’s with a cold drink on the go, already set up in our nylon mansion with perfectly smooth skin and a smug smile on our face because we know a great night’s warm kip is ahead!*

*after a few celebrations of course!

But the most important thing to take with you to any festival is always PMA (positive mental attitude). If you go in with PMA, you’ll have the time of your life!



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