If you’ve recently purchased a new car, it is naturally your pride and joy. And even if you have an older vehicle, keeping it in good condition makes sense from a financial perspective as well as an aesthetic one. Knowing how to treat rust on a car and combat stone chips is a great tool to have under your belt.
The harsh reality is that you can’t prevent small stone chips on your car body, even if you are a particularly careful driver. They occur when debris is flicked up by the cars in front to hit your vehicle, which is why damage is most likely to occur on the bonnet. The good news is that they are initially little more than a cosmetic concern; the bad news is that water can get into the holes to penetrate the paint job and damage the metal underneath.
When you experience a small chip, it may be possible to restore the look of your vehicle with a simple stone chip paint repair kit. To successfully do this, you should;
• Prepare the area by cleaning with soapy water and an alcohol gel before sanding down any raised edges.
• Use the primer to apply a base coat, using the paint pen that’s included in the kit.
• Once dried, apply a thin layer of paint, taking extra care to only paint the affected chip area. Let the first layer dry and repeat the process several times.
• Once you have done enough layers to match the appearance of the surrounding areas, gently sand the area until the bonnet is level.
• Seal the damaged area using a top coat of paint (or lacquer) before allowing it to dry.
The DIY route can be used on small stone chips on car bonnets and body paint jobs while you can also repeat it on future small chips. However, it should be noted that larger chips and any damage that exposes the metal underneath will require professional services.
Leaving it could accelerate the car’s depreciation while also leading to more significant damage.
Car rust is another relatively common issue. Left untreated, it can quickly spread to cause significant damage that affects the look, performance, and safety of the vehicle. Rust can be attributed to a wide range of factors including your driving habits, salt, water, and bad weather. Keeping it stored in a garage and regular washing will help prevent rust growth. The best way to manage the situation, however, is to act fast.
The method used to tackle rust will depend on the type of rust that you encounter.
• Superficial rust - patches of red dust can be treated before bubbling occurs with relative ease. Simply wash the area, use masking tape to isolate the area, and use sandpaper to remove the rust. An anti-rust primer can then be used to reduce the risk of repeat situations.
• Surface rust - if bubbling has only just started to occur, you can use the same method as superficial rust. However, you will need to apply more pressure when sanding, which is why an abrasive wheel or grinding wheel will be required depending on the level of damage.
• Permeating rust - severe rust that has created holes in the metal will require a fibreglass repair kit. Alternatively, you may need to replace an entire panel of the body. This can be a significant challenge, which is why it’s best to call an expert to complete the job.
To learn more about the type of rust on your vehicle or how to treat it in the most effective way, get in touch today.
Give us a call today on 01270 864358 or use the form below.