Person on phone after accident

Swansway Accident Assistance

From vehicle recovery to making a claim, We'll take care of everything!

If you’ve had an accident, simply call our Accident Assistance Aftercare team on 03300 578677 and we’ll sort the rest!

We're Here to Help!

As unfortunate as they are, Accidents do happen. But here at Swansway Motor Group, we can make dealing with the aftermath as stress and complicated-free!

We’re here to handle everything! So with just one call, our team will:

  • Provide a hire vehicle whilst yours is undriveable
  • Recover your vehicle if it’s no longer drivable
  • Liaise with your insurers and handle all the details of the claim.
  • Get your vehicle booked in at our Bodyshop and have our expert team of technicians getting your car looking as good as new!

It’s as simple as that! Just one call and we will do the rest!

Get in touch

Orange car crashed into the back of a yellow car