Business Contract Hire Offers

Search a wide range of Contract Hire options for your business.

What is Contract Hire?

Business Contract Hire provides an affordable way to get the business vehicle of your dreams without crippling upfront costs that could put a strain on your cash flow. Monthly rental payments are manageably low, and remain the same throughout the length of your contract. The key advantage of Contract Hire is flexibility, you can lease a single vehicle or a fleet of vehicles on a Contract Hire basis, choose the length of your contract, and adjust the included mileage to create a personalised agreement that’s meets all your business needs.

With Swansway Business Contract Hire we can also offer optional maintenance packages so servicing and repairing your business vehicles are cost effective and worry free. And when your lease is up you can pick out a brand-new vehicle from our wide range of brand ranging from luxury brand like Audi and Land Rover to more affordable favourites like Volkswagen and SEAT.

Ultimately, Contract Hire is a stress-free and affordable way to get the company car or business fleet you’ve always wanted. With costs that are fixed and affordable, and terms that are flexible. So, you can focus on running your business.

How to get the most out of your Business Contract Hire Agreement

Whether you run a large organisation with hundreds of employees, or you’re a small family run business you can benefit from Contract Hire, but how can you get the most value for money from this leasing option?

1. Study the terms of the contract.

The better you know the terms of your lease, the more you can avoid incurring charges for unintentional violations such as charges for early termination or for excess mileage. As well as studying the terms yourself, make sure that they are communicated to every member of your team who has access to the vehicle. 

2. Learn parameters of ‘reasonable wear and tear’.

Reasonable wear and tear can be a tricky term. Your idea of what is considered “reasonable” might not be the same as your lessor’s. This is why it’s so important to familiarise yourself with guidelines on what qualifies. Again, this should also be communicated to anyone on your team who has access to the vehicle. 

3. Choose a realistic mileage allowance.

In order to get the maximum value out of your lease, it’s important to be realistic about your estimated mileage throughout the length of the contract. It may be tempting to undershoot on your estimated mileage to secure a cheaper monthly payment, but this can incur costly fines if you exceed the mileage specified under the terms of your agreement. 

4. Be aware of the tax benefits.

Choosing a BCH agreement can have benefits to your tax and VAT. Depending on your business and the car or van you choose to lease you could claim back up to 100% of the VAT on your vehicle!

Brands We Offer for Business Contract Hire

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