Though range anxiety might put many off making the switch from petrol or diesel cars, it seems those already driving electric vehicles aren’t quite so worried. 

That’s because a new European survey has found that the average electric car owner is now travelling further per year than a motorist with a petrol or diesel car. 

New research from Nissan has found that European EV drivers travel an average 8,800 miles per year, compared to 8,450 miles for internal combustion-engined (ICE cars). 

The survey of 7,000 EV and ICE car owners across Europe – including the UK – also exposed disparities between the owners of the two types of vehicles. 

Despite the infrastructure for electric car owners often being criticised, 69 per cent of EV owners said they were happy with the number of plug-in points available. However, 56 per cent of ICE vehicle owners said that a lack of charge points was putting them off making the switch. 

Among non-EV owners, 30 per cent said they weren’t considering an electric car, with 58 per cent citing a lack of range as the reason for this. 

Arnaud Charpentier, regional vice president for product strategy and pricing at Nissan, said: “This research reiterates that electric driving is not only a smart option beneficial to the environment but also a fun, exciting and convenient choice for the owners.

“It is no surprise that people now drive EVs further than ICE cars. We are confident that with more EVs on the road dispelling myths, range anxiety will soon be in the past.”

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